Saturday, August 31, 2019

Medieval baghdad

Europe there was the Saxons, the Vikings and the franks, these were the three sides of conflict. Europe was filled with violence, illiterate people, superstition and no medical knowledge. They still believed that disease was caused by evil spirits or god(s).. The Islamic empire can reveal a respect for knowledge from all cultures; this made it significant. In their hospitals and pharmacies they would let anyone practice as a doctor. Also they would let anyone be a patient no matter what culture, country or religion. This reveals that the Islamic empire was religiously tolerant.It also is remarkable as the scholars were the first people to build hospitals with different wards for different illnesses. The scholars also collected knowledge from all countries and religions because it didn't what race you are, if you have new knowledge it was valuable. They collected knowledge from India, china, Greece, Italy, all over the empire: in fact it would take someone a whole year to go from one side of the empire to the other. This shows that they were willing to give up at least a year of their time to collect knowledge.Medieval Baghdad should be remembered for the contribution it made to our lives today. The scholars discoveries in medicine are still relevant today as they were the first people to do complicated surgeries. This includes cesareans and eye surgeries. What was remarkable was the fact that they had a 60% success rate on the eye surgeries. Our knowledge of medicinal practices would not be advanced if it were not for them. The scholars gathered information like a new way of writing numbers. This meant that they could write all the numbers from O to infinity with only 10 humbly.The person who did this was called AAA-Swarming. In fact we would not have any computerized technology without the numbers O or 1. This resulted in change as they found a whole new way Of writing numbers which actually made calculations easier. The layout of the city of Baghdad which had double walls and only certain places that you could enter inspired the design of the castles in Europe. Our castle would not the same in any way, shape or form if it were not for the architects designing the city of Baghdad.Also they would not have defended s well if it were not for them either. The reason we do not remember Baghdad for what it used to be is because there is no record of the books they wrote or that they collected the knowledge. Baghdad lost power over its empire as the smaller caliphs decided that they did not want to know more about science, math or astronomy. People called the Mongols destroyed the library which had held all of the books and knowledge that they had spent so long collecting.

Friday, August 30, 2019

John Dewey

Introduced his theories and concepts on how people think. He identified a number of different modes of thought including reflection. He saw reflection as an aspect of thought, a rational and purposeful act that is more then mere thinking. Dewey contrasted routine action with reflective action, laying the roots of reflective practice in teaching (Kodiak-Myers, 2012, p. 5). In his notion of reflective action he described a willingness to engage in self-assessment, which squired flexibility, analysis and social awareness (Pollard, 2005, p. 3). His reflection described a willingness to consider different possibilities and the ability and desire to recognize various opinions (Skateboarders, 2012, p. 5). Reflection, as a familiar activity, is often misunderstood, overlooked in the formal process of teaching and equated with similar activities such as thinking about the day, making sense of experiences we had or discussing resent occurred events and issues. In these daily activities teacher s assume that learning occurs (Bout, Gogh, & Walker, 1 985, p. 8).Employing a reflective teaching approach, a teacher will be In control of the teaching process and Its outcome, giving the teacher the ability to research on the effectiveness of his teaching enabling him to asses if learning indeed occurs (Killeen, 1989, p. 52). In this assignment I will first, explain reflection. In this explanation I will consider the different classification, categories and some characteristics of reflection. Next I will argue that reflection within the learning process is important for the teacher.I will thereafter critically discuss some of the advantages and limitations of along feedback from students In the reflective practice and wall conclude that the advantages outweigh the Limitations of galling feedback. For a teacher to employ a reflective practice he or she needs to firstly understand the meaning of reflection. Rodgers (2002) is of the opinion that, after almost a century of considering reflection there is no clear understanding in our academic literature of what exactly reflection is. She reconsiders Dew's concept of reflection and formulated four criteria that she felt characterized his concept of reflection.She speaks of reflection as a meaning making process that moves a learner from one experience Into the next†, as a â€Å"systematic, rigorous, deadlines way of thinking† that â€Å"needs to happen in community, in interaction with others† and it requires â€Å"attitude that value the personal and intellectual growth of oneself and of others† (Rodgers, 2002, p. 845). Reflection starts when a person inquires into his or her experiences and knowledge relevant to the experience, enabling him or her to ascribe meaning to his or her beliefs (Collier, 1999, p. 73). Learning Is affected through a process of thinking and fleeting on new experiences In relation to an excellent knowledge base and own understanding. Collier (1999) refers to Ki tcheners research that suggests a continuation of the reflection process, where knowledge is first viewed as certain and absolute, learned from authorities and direct observations. This absolute acceptance of knowledge develops, as the individual's own experiences and knowledge develops to â€Å"uncertain, relative and personal constructed† (1999, p. 174).Such ¶n (1987) is of the theory within practice, and the use of such a process ultimately leads to expertise. He identified two possible processes of reflection, a retrospective analysis of experiences, the reflection-on-action and the reflection-in-action, which is the process of reflection as an active part of the experience. In the reflection-on-action a teacher will reflect after a lesson on the process by thinking about the lesson, reflecting on the good and bad moments in the lecture, considering how to improve on the bad elements and how to build on the good moments.Reflection-on-action will be possible through self -examination, student assessments, student feedback of lesson ND discussions of mentor teachers (Howell, 2014). Reflection-in-action is used more by teachers with existing knowledge of teaching and experience of the learning process and is used to assess the student participation, knowledge, understanding and learning during the lesson (Howell, 2014). A third process of reflection is a proactive reflection known as reflection-for-action (Collier, 1999, p. 174). Howell (2014) uses this third process of reflection, before-action, which allows her to consider her lesson before it takes place.This process of reflection allows the cheer to be in a position to consider what will be taught, how it will be taught and he or she can develop an inner attitude of gratitude that will positively influence the attitude of the learners. Reflection does not always occur on the same level and, is depending on the circumstances and experiences of the teacher. Reflection will be influenced by the teach er's knowledge of the subject matter, her understanding of the teaching process as well as her personal circumstances and attributes. Howell (2014) identified these levels as technical, practical and critical reflection.The chemical level is concern with â€Å"effective application of educational knowledge and skill†, the practical level describes â€Å"an experience so that a subjective perception or commitment to a certain theory or system† is noticed and critical reflection is â€Å"indicated by a high degree of open-mindedness including ethical/moral and social considerations† (Collier, 1999, p. 174). These levels of reflection exist and work together (Howell, 2014) and research has indicated that new teachers often apply all these levels of reflection and all levels are equally important in the learning process Collier, 1999, p. 74). The teacher, as well as the learner in the sense that both teacher and learner bring certain attributes to the learning proce ss, will influence the process. Unless a teacher is capable of reflection he might not be able to bring about long term positive outcomes within the learning process. Teachers are often influenced by outside factors when faced with difficult situations within the class room and can easily, unconsciously develop standard problem solving tactics, left unexamined for years (Shortchange & Vassals, 2005, p. 45). Shortchange & Vassals (2005, . 9) refers too five phase structured reflection process. In this process there is an action from the teacher, followed by a retrospective look back on the action, an awareness of essential aspects of the action, the creating of alternative methods of action and a re-trial of the action. Palmer, as quoted by Howell (2014) stated, â€Å"good teaching comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher†. Every teacher has certain identities, pre-set ideas and assumptions which he or she brings into the class room and these identities, personal v iews and assumptions will influence how e or SE teach and what he or she teach.This in turn will influence what our described as paradigmatic, prescriptive, and casual assumptions (Brookfield, 1995, p. 4). Paradigmatic assumptions are very difficult to identify and they are basic structuring of ideas we use to order the world, perspective assumptions are assumptions about what we think ought to happen in a situations and causal assumptions assist us in understanding the different processes within the working world and how processes work (Brookfield, 1995, p. 3).As teachers we must be able o reflect on these predetermined assumptions to enable us to build on our professional development. According to Shortchange & Vassals (Shortchange & Vassals, 2005, p. 53) it is important for a teacher, specially a new teacher to be able to get in touch with these different identities. They refer to reflection, which can take place on different inner levels. Where a teacher sees him or herself in a specific role within the class room, the teacher might be set on a mission to fulfill this role and beliefs which in turn may create behavior issues in the class (Shortchange & Vassals, 2005).It s only if the teacher reflect on what it is that he or she is doing that causes the behavior problem and ask why he or she is doing it that they might find an alternative to their perceived reality. This requires the teacher to do introspective reflection of her own actions, which is a very difficult task for anybody to achieve. Often reflection can focus mainly on the technical or practical levels, without being critical. According to Brookfield (1995, p. 9) critical reflection will assist the teacher in unearthing the ways in which power is present in and distort the educational recess.Reflection is important for teachers both in their professional development as teachers as well as their personal growth as educators. Reflection will lead to new and better understanding of the learning pr ocess, often plagued with assumptions. The application of a reflective practice will lead to better Judgment, an examined common sense and better learning and understanding of our students who, in observing us, will develop their own reflective practices (Howell, 2014).Part of a reflective practice includes consultation with our peers and the enquiry into our caching by way of student evaluations. Student evaluations can form a very good reflective technique enabling a teacher to reflect on how her classes are received by her students instead of assuming that learning has taken place. An advantage of student feedback is to determine from the students how they engage with the lesson, what did they find interesting and what did not work for them.One of the disadvantages of this form of feedback could lead to very subjective feedback from students, which is not a reflection of the true ability of the teacher. Brookfield (1995, p. 7) refers to the â€Å"perfect ten syndrome† wher e teachers who receive a less then perfect score assume that they are not worthy teachers. Teachers disregard the complimentary and good feedback, concentrating only on the negative aspects of the feedback. This reaction is based on the preconceived assumption of teachers that good teaching is always followed by positive and good student evaluations.Critically reflection will assist the teacher in recognizing these unrealistic assumption and enable him or her to know that the â€Å"complexities of learning† as well as the students win attitudes towards their studies and the teacher self has influenced the low score. Equally, a perfect score could be indicating the teachers only accommodated the students in their preferred learning styles without testing the student outside of critique and was not developed to be the only answer in the learning process however I think that the advantages of reflective practice including student feedback outweigh the disadvantages.Student feedb ack is important for the teachers' own understanding of the learning process and it can contribute to the students sense of ratification in the learning process, displacing the inherent assumption of teacher power over student. As a negative aspect of the student reflections it may over power students, giving them the false assumption that they control the learning process. I think that the teacher and the students, accepting the true negative issues as such, should critically reflect on the outcome of student feedback in an open process in a positive manner to overcome the negative issues.At the same time positive issues should also be considered and build on in future. In conclusion I can ay that reflection is a process of deep questioning set assumptions and believes within the learning process to enable a better understanding of the process, to develop as a diverse teacher and to ensure maximum learning within the learning process. If reflection takes place before-action, the te acher will be able to prepare with gratitude, to enter the learning action with thankfulness and to convey a positive and thankful attitude to the students, creating an optimal learning environment.

Morning Routine

A morning routine is something everyone can relate to and must endure. The variables involved are as numerous as there are people in the world. Everyone has his or her own routine but not everyone has detailed this process in a flowchart design. The following will discuss my morning routine, the variables affecting the process, and how to improve the process and decrease the amount of time preparing for and traveling to work. Time spent on each task provides a general overview of each operation with commute time chosen as the metric for the various routes listed. Process Factors  Run-Time and Set-up Time Chase, Jacobs, and Aquilano, (2006), define run-time as, â€Å"†¦the time required to produce a batch of parts† (p. 163. ) In this essay, I equate run-time to those areas that require action (tasks or operations. ) Furthermore, Chase, Jacobs, and Aquilano, (2006), define setup-time as, â€Å"†¦the time required to prepare a machine to make a particular item† (p. 163-164. ) I liken setup-time to the time required to prepare for each task or operation. Last, Chase, Jacobs, and Aquilano, (2006), define operation-time as,†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦the sum of the setup-time and run-time for a batch of parts†. In this scenario, operation-time will cover the entire flow chart from â€Å"wake-up† to â€Å"arrive at work. † Appendix A outlines my typical morning routine. Variances are few therefore; any changes affect the amount of time spent at each task or decision point. The first item is to wake up and decide whether or not to go to work. If the decision is to stay in bed or stay home, the flowchart is complete and no further actions are necessary. As most mornings are â€Å"get out of bed,† the first task is to walk the dog. Because I do not have a fenced in yard or invisible fence, time must be allocated for this effort. If a fence was put in place, this task would not require action and I would have no need to allocate run-time therefore, reducing the time spent in the morning routine. After walking the dog I change into work attire and eat breakfast. To save run-time in the morning, I allot setup-time the night before for such things as; choosing work attire, placing breakfast items in the kitchen, and preparing lunch for the following day. In this fashion, I am significantly decreasing the amount of run-time required to perform each task in the morning. The task of eating breakfast is static therefore; time spent eating includes time spent listening to traffic reports to prepare for the next task in the chart, which is commute to work. I have the choice of four routes to travel to work and each route has positives and negatives. Setup-time for the commute is negligible and calculating run-time combines time traveled, miles covered, obstacles, e. g. stop signs, stop lights, and vehicle control points. Conclusion A morning routine has numerous variations and an overabundance of obstacles that can divert the most stringent process design. By decreasing setup-time, run-time for each task is affected positively allowing a shorter operation-time. A major decision point in Appendix A revolves around the choice of route to travel based on the mornings traffic report. I will measure the four routes listed and account for obstacles such as number of stop signs and traffic lights, school zones, miles from point A (home) to point B (work), and time required traversing each path. The metric of choice is time and how best to reduce the time commuting to work each day.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Operations Management & Quantitative Techniques Research Paper

Operations Management & Quantitative Techniques - Research Paper Example Realco has not overpromised, actually they have under promised as the amounts carried forward keep accumulating as the week’s progress. This has the risk of loss as unnecessary stock may be in store for unexplained reasons. What Realco should do is to update the numbers of the promised orders so that the remaining inventory number can at least go down for the sake of savings in terms of costs. With increased orders, again the revenue of the company may also increase drastically. Jack’s approach to order promising is the Capable to Promise (CTP) approach whose function includes capacity constraint issues in the calculation and hence it can be integrated together with the production scheduling, manufacturing as well as transfer and purchase planning. In our case, it is integrated together with production brought forward, production and the remaining inventory and its model is based upon the model that is chosen from the capacity-scheduling engine. The program has the adva ntage of having the ability of responding to â€Å"what if† scenarios. He program is able to make calculations of inventory and no bound orders through a calculation of the earliest dates when such items can be available, or when they can be transferred from another place. The main disadvantages are that the system is quite lean and hence slow when it comes to making order promising. It also leads to the accumulation of inventory which may be detrimental to the organization in terms of foreseeable losses hence should be avoided. The program is quite separate from the order promising system calling for unification for smooth operations (Connelly & Hoel, 2010). Formal master scheduling technique will be applicable due to its nature of creating stability and responsiveness. It would therefore improve the process through enhanced clarity by way of organization and reporting of relationships within the company. It will also aid in understanding of the product, which bread, the man ufacturing and purchase process as well as planning and control. It brings with it a formal job description that brings along details of responsibility and performance measurements. Finally, the formal master scheduler has the ability of promptly responding to feedbacks through identification of areas where it influences material or capacity availability (Fraser, Murphy & Bunting, 2003). The organizational changes, which will be required to ensure this system comes in include; the establishment of performance measures and the proactive use of root-cause analysis to identify areas, which require improvements. There will also be a change in the policies, processes and procedures for the sake of modernizing the systems. Following on question 2, is neither worse nor good, this is because refusing customers orders upfront has the impact of chasing away the customer upfront and no business is ready to lose a client since they are what makes it

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Ethical and Socially Responsive Business Research Paper

Ethical and Socially Responsive Business - Research Paper Example Avoiding conflicts of interest ensures the professionalism of the operation of the business. Finally, fair dealing, accounting and financial integrity ensures that Ruby Tuesday’s Inc. have the full confidence of the general public that could translate to general public’s patronage. There are several ways that the company should take to ensure that employees follow the code of conduct. The most obvious step is to adopt a zero-tolerance policy against unethical business practices within and without the company as a deterrence to unethical acts (_____). It would also ensure that employees follow the code of conduct when it is integrated during the orientation and training of employees whereby they are taught to appreciate ethical practice not only to reflect the company’s values but also as a better way to do business. To make ethics as part of the company’s strategic plan would ensure that ethics is considered in every act of the company. Having integrated ethics in the strategic plan gives weight to ethics to be as important as making profits thereby ensuring that employees as well as the officers of Ruby Tuesday’s Inc. will follow the code of conduct. a. Maintain integrity in all its business transactions – this includes financial integrity in the reporting of its financial statements to its shareholders (stockholders, general public, employees), integrity in its operation whereby all products and services are not only of quality but also consistent to product and service promise. b. Practice CRM or Corporate Responsible Management – this requires engaging in social activities that promotes the greater good of the community and society. CRM includes using â€Å"green practices in the operation of the restaurant whereby Ruby Tuesday’s is not a pollutant to the environment as well as treating and paying its employees

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The value of the UK pound is currently determined on a floating Essay

The value of the UK pound is currently determined on a floating exchange rate system, but in the past has been determined on a f - Essay Example In this essay, the fixed exchange rate system and the role of UK in maintaining the pound under the fixed exchange rate system has been discussed. Moreover, to analyse the current exchange rate system adopted by UK, floating exchange rate system has been discussed. Finally, the impact of depreciation of British Pound on the UK economy has been analysed by using relevant data, graphs and tables. Fixed Exchange Rate System In the fixed exchange rate system, the rates fluctuate within narrow boundaries and if the exchange rate starts to move higher, the government maintains the rate within the boundaries (Madura, 2008). In 1944, Bretton Wood Accord introduced the fixed exchange rate system and until 1970s, most of the major world economies were participating in the fixed exchange rate system (Burton & Brown 2009). Burton & Brown (2009) explains that after the introduction of the system, the major industrialised countries met to develop a new international financial system. Under the fix ed exchange rate system, economies agreed that if the trade deficit of an economy increased then they would be able to manage supply of currency in international markets. In the fixed exchange rate system, the government increases the supply of currency when the trade deficit of the country increases. The increased supply of the currency inserts the downward pressure on the exchange rate however, to maintain the pre-decided exchange rate, the central bank of the country purchase the excess supply of its currency. For example, if Britain economy faces trade deficit, the increase in the supply of pounds relative to dollar inserts downward pressure on pound value whereas, decrease in supply of pounds relative to dollar inserts upward pressure on value of pound. The government has the power to intervene in the fixed exchange rate system. Under a fixed exchange rate system, the government is able to manipulate the market value of the other currency in terms of its domestic currency. Howe ver, manipulations can be only done to an agreed-exchange rate. UK government has been playing a significant role in maintaining pound under a fixed exchange rate system. The UK government has always been intervening to keep the agreed-exchange rate within certain boundaries. For example, when the agreed-exchange rate of pound and dollar fluctuated then to keep the rate fixed, the UK government bought or sold pounds with dollars until the market value of the two currencies converged to an agreed level. Floating Exchange Rate System Floating exchange rate system is the system when there is no flexibility in the exchange rate system and the values of exchange rate system are determined by the market forces and they are independent of the government intervention (Madura, 2008). British government adopted the floating exchange rate system in 1992 and after adopting the floating exchange rate system, the Bank of England was no longer able to influence the currency markets. In other words , after adopting the floating exchange rate system, the influence of the government in controlling the exchange rate system finishes. In this exchange rate system, the value of the currency is only determined by the demand and supply of the currency in the foreign exchange market, therefore, market forces play role to influence the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Domestic violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Domestic violence - Essay Example Men are considered to be aggressive and dominating and hence violence against a man is humiliating and thus men suffer silently as opposed to women who are outgoing and have formed various feminist groups to air their voices. This nature of women leads to increased cases of intimate partner domestic violence cases against women. For example, the bureau of justice statistics (2003) indicates 85% cases against women as opposed to 15% for men. Another premise is that domestic violence is as a result of poverty. Schwartz (2004) observes that men refuse their wives financial needs if they do contrary to their expectations. This shows that women are dependent on men for survival as they don’t have a means of getting income. They are thus poor and vulnerable to abuse. Poverty also denies individuals education which is a key to success and source of information to guide people in daily lives. A learned person can deal with problems amicably without resulting to domestic violence. On the other hand, women who depend on men for survival fear being divorced hence they are vulnerable to repeatedly being abused. A woman of higher economic status can always live independently and reject abuses and thus a man would not subject her to violence. Poverty also leads to drug and alcohol abuse resulting to domestic violence. According to Jaffe (2006), drug and alcohol addicts find it hard to control their emotions and react angrily to slight provocations hence violence. Culture is the cause of domestic violence. Most traditional societies advocated for wife beating as a sign of love and to gain respect (Jaffe, 2006). Even nowadays some cultures advocate for this practice as they believe women are supposed to be submissive. Christian marriages also teach women to be submissive to their husbands and this is used by men to justify their actions. Culture denies women right to property

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sexual Violence in Government and Politics Essay

Sexual Violence in Government and Politics - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that  politics governs the world since most of the policies used to implement the law and order are as a result of political ramifications. However, politics goes beyond the formulation of rules and laws that are used as a benchmark to govern societies. State have their foreign policies that regulate the extent to which they engage with other global allies. In the twenty-first century, sexual violence has become a tool for creating a compromise between opposing groups in the case of political conflicts. For instance, if a conflict ensues between two opposing sides of the government one may kidnap some members of the community’s particularly women and girls to exploit them sexually as an act of provocation to compromise the other group to come to consensus.This essay highlights that  sexual violence is thriving in governments, but most of the cases go unreported since their perpetrators threaten the victims because of the influence they command. It is a common phenomenon in most governments that people have to part with sexual favors in order to receive certain services from government officials. For instance, if one is looking for a job in a government agency, the bosses often demand sexual favors in return for the job. In essence, it is a kind of a barter exchange that occurs, but that result because the victims find themselves in a compromising situation in which they either give in to the demands or else they miss the opportunity, benefits or service that they were to receive.  

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Software Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Software Engineering - Essay Example In this regard, as the year changed from 1999 to 2000, the day became 01-01-00, and the machine considered it as January 1, 1900. Hence Y2K millennium bug proved itself just like a clicking time bomb that affected all the major computer applications (YourDictionary; Halpern). Dates are much Critical A lot of transactions related to various economy circumstances match their dates with database account having a future date or today's date. Thus, if the machine fails to grip the dates in the approved manner, bills do not get compensated, notices do not deliver and also results in date driven computations toward failure. Moreover, after 2000, all the systems those were not familiar with the change in millennium caused mistaken output with those applications that dealt directly or indirectly with future dates (YourDictionary; Halpern). Precautions In this regard, if the problems like Y2K or millennium bug are not remedied in a well mannered way, this could result in disruptions that may c ause delays in air flights and also towards the interruptions of landline services to trade bankruptcies to power fluctuations, and it might also cause in civil disturbances and global decline (YourDictionary; Halpern). ... However, in simple words we can say that a software process model is a simple description of those software related processes which are useful in presentation from diverse perspective. In this scenario, a considerable fraction of the active software manufacturing is obliged to construct software that follows documentation either partially or fully. In addition, it is proposed to guarantee this factor though which delivered software product meets the requirements that are defined properly in documentation (Nutt; Sommerville; Pressman; Acuna and Ferre). Software process models are very useful for giving an inspiration about the development of a product, tool or application that meets the challenges of global economy as much as possible. In addition, by adopting software modeling techniques software developers could be able to characterize new horizons in which they must keep strong view on changing trends of market that could affect our software product a lot. Moreover, a software proc ess model could be helpful for define a process for implementing and designing a software invention/product that complies with the documentation necessities or requirements. Thus, there is a link between business and software process development that’s why they both affect each other. In this regard we can relate business process modeling expertise to the domain of software engineering, which results in exploring weaknesses along with strengths of our developing models of cluster collaboration. On the other hand, if we analyze the basics of software process models no doubt it provides us with an unconventional technique to analyze, design, and track the software production processes. Additionally, it also creates easiness for us to attempt to demonstrate how the replica or model can

Friday, August 23, 2019

Qualitative Research Methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Qualitative Research Methodology - Essay Example For example, the use of computer has become essential in the administrative field and for this reason the public sector has experienced a huge technical growth where the computer has become an integrated part to any administrative work system. One can refer to the decreasing prices of computers and the demand for new computer models. Technology is nourishing the society, to give efficiency, from the running of a fan to the satellites, circling the space. In every field of knowledge and work, technologies are used to gain time. For eg: before there was TV, there was the radio. But the latter was not enough. One wanted to see and hear at the same time. The aim of science is to make man use all the senses all that once to gain a wholesome knowledge of the surroundings. Therefore, the experts too want to find ways and means to create a technical system that helps the employees in finding informations related to their work with the least effort and shorter time to avoid searching in files and box folders for a certain paper which takes time and effort. This problem demands the need of the UAE E-administrative to be brought to notice, in order to check the police system to update its efficiency.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Globalization of Labor Market Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Globalization of Labor Market - Research Paper Example It is not a new phenomenon as trade between countries has been in existence since the world war but modern globalization has been intensified by the use of new technology and conversion of governments into free market economies. It has led to a lot of positive as well as negative impacts on the economy. It leads to growth of the economy and creation of employment for a large population hence reducing poverty. Skill transfer between nations is also evident leading to labor productivity. However, it has been blamed for eliminating jobs and widening the pay gap between the skilled and un-skilled labor force. The growth of multinational companies has also led to a lot of changes in the labor market such as; low wages, segregation of women in service jobs and creation of sweatshops where women work under poor conditions. The paper will discuss the effects of globalization on the labor market. Effects of Globalization on the Labor Market Globalization has had a lot of positive and negative effects on the labor market. The IMF and OECD view globalization as contributing to positive change in the labor market. They argue that trade liberalization; improved technology, and foreign investments which characterize globalization are key drivers of the economy leading to creation of employment. ... To them, globalization is the worst thing that could have happened to the labor market as it leads to unemployment, migration of workforce, emergence of multinational corporations which are less concerned with workers welfare, widening pay gap between the skilled and un-skilled laborers, loss of jobs due to advanced technology, and emergence of export processing zones which mistreat workers (Winkler, 172-226). Liberalization of trade has led to emergence of network enterprises with diverse network of suppliers. The MNCs give contracts to those suppliers thus changing the nature of work from permanent employment to flexible employment where workers are employed on temporary basis or become part-timers and on-call workers. Most of the part-time jobs require less skills hence are dominated by women. Though some may argue that it is creation of jobs for women, these women earn low wages and work in poor conditions. This is because the MNCs threaten to take their jobs elsewhere if the wor king conditions are improved for example, to countries where labor is cheap. These jobs are mostly available in export processing zones. Furthermore, flexible employment has led to loss of job security as it is difficult to define the periods during which those workers are entitled to benefits such as unemployment benefits. Those workers who work under contracted suppliers or organizations do not know who their boss is thus they don’t know where to air their views (World Bank 101-120). Globalization has led to increased unemployment especially in the developed countries. For example, the unemployment rate of Germany rose from 5.7% in 1991 to 9.0% in 2007 (Winkler, 6). This is as a result of establishment of EPZs in the developing countries where labor is

The Mystery of Edgar Allan Poes Works Essay Example for Free

The Mystery of Edgar Allan Poes Works Essay Thesis Statement: Edgar Allan Poe is considered to be one of the greatest and most brilliant American writers in history. Many people considered him the first master of the short story form, and the father of the mysterious and the modern detective stories. Outline: I. An Introduction to Poe life and works. A. Due to Poes great works, many writers were influenced by these works. II. The early life of Poe and how it affected his life. A. His parents died so Allan raised him up. B. Allan ill-treated him and this affected his life and works afterwards. C. Poes education in England enriched his knowledge. D. Poe joined the University of Virginian and the army afterwards. III. What affected the works of Poe. A. Learning a lot of language enabled Poe from knowing different nations cultures and literature. B. Poe was good at the field of Art as well. C. Poe read to famous philosophers. IV. Analysis of the stories and poems of Poe. A. Poe was a talented writer. B. He excelled in poetry and in fiction and detective stories. V. Poe excelled in the field of detective stories, as he was the inventor of the short detective story. A. Many famous writers based their characters on Poes stories. B. The Murders in The Rue Morgue an example to show the excellence of Poe in the filed of Short story. C. Another detective story: The Purloined Letter. VI. The life of this great writer ended in New York after amusing the readers by his great works. ECLT 113 Mohamed Abdel Raouf Paper #2: Individual research projects 900-00-1018 The Mystery of Edgar Allan Poes Works Edgar Allan Poe is considered to be one of the greatest and most brilliant American writers in history. Many people considered him the father of the mysterious modern detective story, and the master of the short story form. The Works of this famous writer were remarkable to their flawless literary construction and for their haunting themes (The Columbia Encyclopedia). Jeffrey Meyers states that this great writer was considered to be the first American Writer whose personal reputation influenced the reception of his work. He was also the only nineteenth century American writer whose poems and novels were valued more highly in Europe than in his homeland. However, In spite of all his great works, it was argued that the creator of these hallucinating murders and that horror atmosphere must himself be evil, to have so evil imagination (258). Edgar Allan Poes life is considered to be a story of misery and oddness. Edgar Allan Poe, the greatest writer that was ever born in the American history, was born in Boston on January 19, 1809. His parents whom were touring actors, both died in Poes early childhood, and the little boy Edgar Allan Poe was raised by a rich man whom was called John Allan (Funk Wagnalls Encyclopedia). Edgar had a brother whom was rover and a sister that have seemed to be mentally retarded (Rieselbach 1), that is probably the reason why it was said afterwards that all the horrifying works of Poe were a result of an unstable mind. John Allan was a successful businessman from Richmond, whom was working in the merchandise. Nevertheless, he ill-treated Edgar and confused the poor Edgar by alternately spoiling and scolding him. Edgar was taken to England to attend private schools there. Edgar was affected by the travels that the Allans made in England. Many Poes weird stories reflect his own experience like Why the Little Frenchman took place in towns where he had lived and A Tale of The Ragged Mountains took place in Charlottesville (Meyers 8+). Furthermore, his poems reflected his miserable life with the Allans and his rift with them (Poe and Richmond). This proves that Poe have been taking his ideas and thoughts for his novels and poems from his own miserable life, that may be the cause of his invention of those horrible and horrifying prospects in his short stories and novels. After staying in England more than thirteen years, Edgar was more sophisticated and cosmopolitan, and far better educated than his mates in Richmond (Meyers 14). The education of Edgar in England had a great effect on him as this education widened his horizon of writing, as he read in his childhood many books and novels to great writers. Poe returned to the United States and entered the University of Virginia. Allan gave him too little money to pay for his classes (Rieselbach 1). Nevertheless, he showed remarkable scholastic ability in classical and romance languages but was forced to leave the university after only eight months because he made a fight with Allan over his gambling debts (The Columbia Encyclopedia). After leaving the University of Virginia, he worked as a clerk for a while at a warehouse. Afterwards he joined the army, because the army would alleviate his poverty, offer security and provide the basic necessities of the life (Meyer 32). What has the great affection in his lifetime is that he learned foreign languages as Latin, French, German, Spanish and Italian (Campbell 6+). He studied Latin when he was nine years old. He excelled in reading and writing Latin sharply. It is the same with his knowledge of French. He used to read works in French in the university of Virginia. Also his knowledge of German, Spanish and Italian made him talented in understanding the works of many of these countries writers, which made him talented in reading and writing stories and poems (Campbell 7+). Moreover, he was good at the field of fine arts as well. Poe knew music, painting, sculpture, theatre and dancing. He had been taking lessons in dancing and he sang well (Campbell 11). He was fond of the piano and of musical instruments in general. Poe early developed an interest in philosophy. Because he knew the German language, he was attracted to the philosophical thinking of the German philosophers. He knew about Kant, Hegel and Fichte (Campbell 12+). He drew ideas for his stories and poems from all the knowledge he had from the German philosophy. He also read to English philosophers as Bentham and Mill (Campbell 13). The works of Poe shows that Poe was a talented writer and a gifted poet. As an example to his great success is that his first volume of poetry Tamerlane and Other Poems, which he have written when he was eighteen years old, is such a rare book now that a single copy worth two hundred thousand dollars (Wilson 1). Daniel Hoffman states that the writings of Poe demonstrates Poes critical mind, his analysis of the structure and texture of poetry, the need for all details of diction and form to contribute to single effect (1). Poe was considered to have influence on the literature of twenty cultures and on fifteen major writers around the world (Hoffman 1). Poes influence on European and American art has been extraordinarily wide. Poe had a short life and a few unfinished works; however, he possessed great originality and imagination. His poems influenced the French symbolists and English writers (Meyers 280). Thus, he is considered to be one of the greatest writers in the whole literatur e history. Poe wrote in many fields and in many ways and styles. He excelled at poetry and wrote great poems as The Raven. In addition to poetry, Edgar Allan Poe wrote many kinds of stories. However, Poe excelled at writing detective stories. His superiority at detective stories may be for the reason that he was fond of puzzles and mental games, and both his fiction and nonfiction often included such mental exercises (Unrue 3). He published tales of detection, the first being The Murders in The Rue Morgue and he introduced his famous character Auguste Dupin. These kinds of stories incorporate many of the themes and techniques Poe was developing all over his life (Unrue 3). This famous American writer spent a miserable living while inventing the modern detective story and science fiction as well. He perfected the horror tale and wrote unforgettable stories, as his works continues to be a significant presence in world literature. Poe is considered the father of the modern detective story, as he was the first writer to put pen to paper and write his detective stories, and it is possibly that Poe was the inventor of the detective stories as Umberto Eco said that Edgar Allan Poe is considered by most detective fiction historians to be the founding father of the detective story, and his Murders in The Rue Morgue the worlds first detective story (179). His mind brought to reality the greatest stories in detection as The Murders in The Rue Morgue, The Purloined Letter, The Gold Bug and The Mystery of Marie Roget (Funk Wagnalls Encyclopedia). Not only did he write stories, but also he influenced by his stories the most brilliant writers in the field of detective story. Poe influence on Conan Doyle, the great writer that invented the character of Sherlock Holmes, cannot be disregarded. However, its obvious that Conan Doyle used the stories of Edgar Allan Poe as a guide in the begging of his writing because the character Sherlock Holmes have some similarities from Dupin, the character of Edgar Allan Poe. Moreover, Poe influenced Swinburne, the English poet, Dostoyevsky, the Russian novelist, and the French symbolists (The Columbia Encyclopedia). Many of Poes tales have been distinguished by the authors unique bizarre inventiveness in addition to his superb plot construction (Funk Wagnalls Encyclopedia). The Murders in The Rue Morgue is an excellent example of the detective story, which Poe had written. Stuart and Susan Levine stated in their book The Short Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe that in this tale, Dupin, Poes hero in his detective stories, is superior to the perfect of Police in that he logical. Dupin actually uses what looks like artistic inspiration to solve the problems posed by crime and conspiracy. If the private hideout of Dupin and the narrator seems to be familiar, it is because subsequent writers have made it so. The idea of the heros hidden residence has passed into popular culture. Poe invented a great deal of the claptrap and many of the conventions of the modern detective stories. As Conan Doyle said: Sherlock Holmes owed to much to Dupin, as did the detective heroes of other writers(153). In this story, Dupin and the narrator first learn from an evening newspaper that Madame LEspanaye and her daughter Camille were murdered. Newspaper accounts the next day carry depositions by links of the victims and the people in the vicinity where the crime took place; these conflicting accounts and the absence of evidence lead the narrator and the police to consider the crime insolvable. Dupin, however, places an advertisement in the newspaper after having inspected the house where the woman and her daughter have been murdered. When a sailor in search of a missing orangutan, which has killed the victims, responds to the newspaper advertisement, Dupin finds the solution to this murder, and after wards he explained the clues that led him to this solution. Dupins analytic method of solving the crime has made the tale a classic in the detective mystery genre. As the first detection in fiction, Dupin was the sample that Conan Doyles based on it his famous detective Sherlock Holmes (The Murders In The Rue Morgue 1). Another Example of Poes detective story is The Purloined Letter. This tale is also one of Poes vengeance stories; Dupin has scores personal and political to settle. The tone of the closing paragraphs of the tale is bitter and the final allusion literally bloodthirsty (Stuart and Suzan Levine 154). As he did in the other tales of Poe: The Mystery of Marie Roget and The Murders in The Rue Morgue, Dupin beat the police in solving these seemingly insoluble crimes. However, unlike the other tales, which involve murders of women, The Purloined Letter presents only petty thievery and trickery of the crime. The Prefect of the Parisian Police actually knows the thief, but the letter had to be found in order to protect the honor of a lady being blackmailed. The police department searches for the letter, but it appears that no one could found it. So the Prefect asks Dupin for help. And as usual, Dupin find the clue to this thievery and get the letter. Afterwards Dupin explains what has been the reason that led him to that solution (The Purloined Letter 1). These evidence and examples shows that Edgar Allan Poe was the inventor of the detective short story and his main character, Dupin, was the prototype that all the subsequently writers used him and invented their characters upon as Sherlock Holmes. And this success was a product of his hard work and also because of his talents. Edgar Allan died on Sunday, October 7, 1849 at the age of fourty. Poes spent his last days in a New York hospital, after taking an alcoholic overdose, became unconscious, suffered delirium tremens, fell into a coma and died four days later. Poes life was not very long, however during this short lifetime, he enriched the American Culture and all the world culture with many stories and poems that are still discussed and criticized by people all around the world. Poe (Meyers 255). Works Cited Campbell, Killis. The Mind of Poe and Other Studies. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press, 1933. This book introduces to the reader seven papers that were published and talking about Poe. These papers are: Contemporary Opinion of Pe, The Poe-Griswold Controversy, The Poe Canaon, The Backgrounds of Poe, Self-Revelation in Poes Poems and Tales, The Origins of Poe and The Mind of Poe. Eco, Umberto, and Thomas A. Sebeok, eds. The Sign of Three. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1983. This book discusses the detective stories and that Dupin (Edgar Allan Poes detective character), Sherlock Holmes and Peirce were the greatest character invented by writers in the whole history. The book also discusses how Conan Doyle, before writing Holmes stories, used the stories of Edgar Allan Poe as a guide to him and he was very impressed by Dupin. Edgar Allan Poe Museum. Nov. 2000. Clever Net. 1 May 2001. The Museum of Edgar Allan Poe on the Internet. It contains all the works of Edgar Allan Poe and his biographical information. Hoffman, Danile. Poe As Critic, Poe Abroad. Sewanee Review. 108.2 (2000) : 11 pars. 2 May 2001. Academic Search Elite An article that includes the review of books of Edgar Allan Poe and his literary theory and criticisms. It also includes Poes influence on the non American writers as Conan Doyle and H.G. Wells. Meyers, Jeffrey. Edgar Allan Poe: His Life and Legacy. New York. Charles Scribners Sons., 1992. The complete biographical information about Poe. This book includes extendedly the life of Poe and the circumstances of his life and death. Poe, Edgar Allan. Funk Wagnalls Encyclopedia. Versaware. 2 May 2001 An article of the biography of Poe. Poe, Edagr Allan. The Columbia Encyclopedia. Six Edition. 2001. Columbia University Press. 2 May 2001. Some biographical information about Edgar Allan Poe. Rieselbach, Erik. Poe, Edagr Allan Bibliography. American Spectator. 26.3 (1993) : 58 pars. 2 May 2001. Academic Search Elite An article that discuss the life of Poe and what reasons lead him to write his novels and poems. The article also include the evidence of the influence of Poe on other writers. Sturat, and Susan Levine. The Short Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company Inc., 1976. The book introduces the fiction and detective stories that Edgar Allan Poe wrote in his life. It also gives short analysis and criticism to those stories and the circumstances of this tale. The Murders In The Rue Morgue. Academic Search Elite. Magill Book Reviews. 5 May 2001 Academic Search Elite The complete analysis of the story The Murders in the Rue Morgue that wrote by Edgar as an example of short detective story. The Purloined Letter. Academic Search Elite. Magill Book Reviews. 5 May 2001 Academic Search Elite The complete analysis of The Purloined Letter which was written by Poe as another good example for the short detective stories wrote by Poe. Unrue, Darlene Harbour. Edgar Allan Poe: The Romantic as Classicist. International Jouranl of The Classical Tradition. 1.4 (1995) : 112 pars. 2 May 2001. Academic Search Elite This article reveals that Edgar Allan Poe measured romantic stance determinedly against the objectivity and rationality of the classical. Distinction on the use of romantic materials and themes between Poe and gothic writers. Wilson, James Southall. A Summary of Facts Known about Edgar Allan Poe. Edgar Allan Poe Museum. 5 May 2001.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Private Tutoring The School Performance Of Senior Students Education Essay

Private Tutoring The School Performance Of Senior Students Education Essay Private tutoring has long been a major phenomenon in parts of Asia, including Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. In this study, we attempt to highlight the relationship between private tutoring and students school performance in Hong Kong. It seeks to account the variety of factors of changing students school performance. The study certainly considers the declining of the confidence of education in current education system as one of the key factors. Meanwhile, the study will examine possible theories to attribute to attend private tutoring and school performance. Finally, we will discuss the effect of attending private tutoring that cause the students poor school performance in their school. In the recent decade, the academia has published a boom of studies on private tutoring in different parts in the world. In the same time, the researches of Bray Mark (2005) reveal that private tutoring is growing elsewhere, especially in the Asian Societies. In countries of Japan, Taiwan and Korean, more than one third students regularly receive private tutoring; in Hong Kong the proportion is considerable higher. As Baker and LeTendre (2005: 55) state, the use of private after-school activities has become a world megatrend among families with children apart from the local education system. Simultaneously, as Baker and LeTendre(2005:61) state that one of the most certain functions of private tutoring is the enrichment strategy. It means that the demand of the private tutoring is associated to the competition for future educational opportunities and the existence of high-stake examinations (public examination). For example, there is a close connection between ones educational qualifications and labor market opportunities. However, private tutoring also provides negative effect to the students such as decreased their interest and participation in school classes. Private tutoring is attributed to a lack of interest of the students. They have kept in mind that they can pay for someone who helps them pass in the examinations and they dont need to pay attention in regularly school lessons. Private tutoring create new educational opportunities for many individual but also placed heavy burden on the states education system (Silova et al.,2006b). In HK, according to the Professor Mark Brays research, there are about 70% senior forms students attending private tutoring. The proportions are higher especially just before important examinations. Meanwhile, according to Census and Statistics Department in 2005, from primary to secondary schools, the total annual expenditure of the tuition fee has reached 3 billion HK dollars. Although there are no lack of researches studying the tutoring culture in HK, still most of them are mainly focus on studying what motivates students attending tutoring or the relationship between private tutoring and academic achievement. Whether the out of school tutoring would affect the in-school education, yet it is remains invisible in most researches or debates, let alone policy documents. 2. Objective With a specific focus on the phenomenon, the study examines private tutoring phenomenon in Hong Kong and analyses its consequences for the students school performance in the secondary school. We aim to generate pervious studies and develop another aspect of this topic, to have a more specific research towards this topic. Hence, more specifically, our objectives are: To further understand the contemporary situation of private tutoring To examine the main factors leading to the change of school performance; (such as students expectation of tutors, confidence in current education system to help students to gain qualification) To test possible theories linking the relationship between private tutoring and school performance To examine how attending cram schools can affect the performance on mainstream schooling 3. Significance Explicit significance: The mainstream education system is expected to achieve a wide range of goals. It includes the development of all-rounded students who have sport and musical talent as well as academic interests or personal development. However, the standardize curriculum emphasized by private tutoring contrasts with that in mainstream schools. Examination-oriented tutoring institutes cut off the notion of the mainstream education and infuse the focus of passing examination into students mind. We view this phenomenon as negatively distorting the development of mainstream curriculum. Private tutoring can distort the curriculum in the mainstream system, upsetting the sequence of learning planned by mainstream teachers and exacerbating diversity in classrooms. (Bray, 2007) Indeed, the over emphasize the importance of private tutoring becomes the barrier over the development of all-rounded students. In fact, the phenomenon may be an expression of the students over the current education system. The increasing in public demand of private tutoring reflects the existing fundamental problem of current education system, especially the examination institution. Hence, it is the time now for HKSAR government and educationists to review on the current education curriculum. Implicit significance: This research is mainly based on the Brays observation. In his previous study, he mentioned that students attending private tutoring potentially lead to the poor school performance (Bray, 2007). But in the study, he did not concretely point out the theories or concepts to explain the attribution among attending private tutoring and poor school performance. Hence, our research indicates two relative theories to explain the mutual relationship which is called achievement goal theory and cultural of dependence. The notion of two theories and the attribution among attending private tutoring and poor school performance will be described in detail of the latter part literature review. Therefore, our research broadens the existing context of the theoretical framework in the study of private tutoring. We hope to have implications for understanding the contemporary students expectation towards the tutoring and what is more important is that we hope our research can find something useful for the contemporary educational organizations to enable students to obtain an all-round development and acquire life-long learning skills. Literature Review As forming a deductive research, we are going to apply two theories to test our hypothesis, which are achievement goal theory (Ames, 1992) and culture of dependence (Yasmeen, 1992) . Achievement goal theory (Ames, 1992) Achievement goal theory is the label used in educational psychology to discuss research into motivation to learn. Goals of learning are thought to be a key factor influencing the level of a students intrinsic motivation. According to this theory, it integrates cognitive and affective components of goal-directed behaviors. Since achievement goal theory argues the purposes of achievement behavior, it mainly studies an the integrated pattern of beliefs, attributions, and affects that produces the intentions of behavior and that it is represented by different ways of approaching, engaging in, and responding to achievement-type activities (Ames, 1992: 261). Under achievement goal theory, Ames (1992) suggests performance goal which focuses on students ability and sense of self-worth. The ability is built up by doing better than others, by surpassing normative-based standards such as examination. More importantly, students want to achieve their goal with little effort. Therefore, students believe learning is an only way to achieve a desired goal and attention is directed toward achieving normatively defined success (Ames, 1992). Base on this theory, we can understand that why students taking tutoring is so popular in following literature review. Senior secondary students attend to mass private tutoring The demand of receiving tutoring is high in senior students (form 4 to form 7) (Lee, 1996). It is because they are presumably sitting two open examinations, which are Hong Kong Advance Level Examination and Hong Kong Certification of Examination. The main reasons for Hong Kong students having tuition are that they are not satisfied with their academic performance. Also, some of the students say they that do not understand what their teachers teach in class (Lee, 1996: 8). Furthermore, there were 8% of respondents admitted preparing for the public examinations is a reason to have tuition (Lee, 1996: 8). In short, as mainstream schools cannot help students to improve their results to take in public examinations, senior students take in tutoring. Students gain from tutoring for taking in public examination The majority of students believe that the quality of tuition class is better than schools (Nanayakkara and Ranaweer, 1994). The reason is that students believe tutoring is a short cut to prepare for public examinations. Kwok (2009) mentions that in Hong Kong, tutors usually deliver exam skills and tips, so tutees do not expend full effort in learning individual subject and feel potential loss if they do not receive tutoring. Also, they, usually represent an authoritative teaching image because of their dress code. In other to meet tutees individual need, tutors introduce CDs and lots of supplementary resources to their tutees. Furthermore, in students view, idol tutors are regarded as famous teachers because they can inspire tutees to study efficiently (Kwok, 2009). For example, idol tutors persuade their tutees to select certain areas for revision. Some past public examination questions were covered in idol tutors lecture notes. All these cause students to rely on tutors rather than school teachers (Kwok, 2009). Culture of dependence (Yasmeen,1992) Yasmeen (1992) argues that lots of students tend to rely on tutoring because of its exam tips. However, classroom attention tends to reduce creation discipline problems for school teachers. In short, students regard only receiving supplementary tutoring is more important than learning with tutoring and mainstream school. Base on the culture of dependence, there is related information that is found from literature. Dependency on school teaching for examination Most students believe the result of public examinations is vital. Kwak (2004) points out that since university admission is determined by public examinations, but not students school records, students seek to prepare efficiently to take the examinations. In mainstream education, however, schooling not only focuses on examination achievement but also all-rounded education (Bray, 2007). In contrast, the content of tutorial classes is close to the major public examinations (Bray and Kwok, 2003). Hence, students tend to undermine the publics trust in school instruction (Kwak, 2004: 4). School performance Bray (2007) argues that tutoring will cause negative impacts on school performance. As some students rely on private tutoring too much, they may be less interested in mainstream education. Also, Students believe that private tutoring can inform student how to pass their examinations; they do not need to attend school classes except when they are required to do so by school regulations (Hussein, 1987). In Japan, some students are absent in school before examination. They just study at homes and attend in tutoring classes (Sawada and Kobayashi, 1986). Since topics have been covered in tutoring classes; students do not pay attention in mainstream education and have less confidence in teachers teaching (Nanayakkara and Ranaweer, 1994). There are also other factors affecting students performance in school like social network. Friendship in school is one of the factors to determinate students performance (Yang Tang, 2003). Since friends have same background like school environment (Fehr, 1996), students are more likely to access resources that may be good for coping with academic stresses (Ibarra, 1995). So, friendship network can let students confirm their academic performance (Baldwin, Bedell, Johnson, 1997). More importantly, a student who is central in a friendship network has a grater chance of helping others and being helped: thus, he is likely to perform better in the school (Yang Tang, 2003: 96). Furthermore, advice network in school can help students perform well in school. Advice network means that individuals share information and guidance for the completion of work (Sparrowe, Liden, Kraimer, 2001). When a student finishes his task, he can increase his work by obtaining help from available advice network. It reflects an individual is capable of accumulation knowledge and experience about task-related problem. If a student is central in his advice network, he is likely to perform actively in the school (Yang Tang, 2003). Conceptual Framework After reviewing the literatures, we form the following conceptual framework. Hypothesis These are our hypotheses of the study as follow: If students participation in tutoring is high, then students would have more gain from tutoring. According to achievement goal theory (Ames, 1992), one of the reasons motivate students taking tutoring is that they seek to success in examination with playing little effort. Therefore, we believe that students can receive lots of useful materials and information from tutors like examination tips supplementary exercise when participating in tutorial lesson for a long time. Higher students gain from tutoring, less dependency on school teaching for examination. According to culture of dependence, students will more rely on tuition than school for their study. So, we want to test whether the tuition for students are important and studying in mainstream schools can fulfill students satisfactions of taking examination efficiency. The less dependency on school teaching, the more difficulty concentration on study in school. The less dependency on school teaching, the less interest in school. The less dependency on school teaching, the lower attendance in school. After reviewing the literature, usually there are negative impacts on school performances that are mentioned after students receive tutoring. These hypotheses try to link up the former variables in our conceptual framework and studies whether there is a relationship between the three variables and the poor school performance. Conceptualization In this part, there are some definitions of the key concept that help us to clarify the nature and direction of the study. 1.) Definition of Private Tutoring According to the Mark Brays book which called the shadow education system: private tutoring and its implication for planners, the definition of private tutoring can be divided into four dimension. Firstly, it is the dimension of privateness. Private tutoring primarily concerned with tutoring provided for profit-making purposes by the private enterprises and individuals. It is not concerned with the supplementary help at public expense, such as provide head-start programmes for slow learners and the unpaid work, such as voluntarily help others with homework and tasks. Secondly, it is the dimension of the subjects which private schools provide. Private tutoring mainly focuses on the academic subjects, such as English, Cantonese or Mathematics rather than some extra-curricular subjects, such as musical or artistic skills. On the one hand, teaching academic subjects help students relieve the heavy academic load of formal classroom and solve the pressure of facing public examination. On the other hand, those non-academic subjects are merely for personal interest and indirectly related to the formal education system. Thirdly, the form of the private tutoring deserves special attention. The form of private tutoring may be provided in different ways. Some tutoring is provided one-to-one in the home of either the tutor or their client. Other tutoring is provided by correspondence in the mail or over the internet. But in our research, we mainly concentrate in the area of mass private tutoring, such as the tutoring provided by Modern Education and Kings Glory Education in Hong Kong. The form of mass private tutoring is there no more than 45 tutees in each tutoring class and the tutoring run both regular class (live) and video class. Meanwhile, the tutoring classes mainly focus on public examinations with intensive notes, revision exercises and on-line follow up services (Kwok, 2009). Finally, it is related to the education level of the target students. Private tutoring exists at the post-secondary and even pre-primary levels. In the majority societies including Hong Kong, private tutoring is most evident at the senior secondary level rather than the junior secondary and upper primary levels. Hence, the senior students in the secondary school can be reflected the phenomenon of private tutoring. At the meanwhile, senior secondary students more tend to perceive private tutoring as the gateway to success in public examination. Our research is mainly focused on senior secondary school students which mean form 4 to form 7 students. 2.) Gain from tutoring According to the study of Yiu (1996), he mentioned that the reasons why students attend the private and what their gain in the tutoring class. First of all, since the EMI schools used English to teach the subjects, students may be benefited from hearing the content again in Chinese. Private tutoring used Chinese as the medium of instruction certain increases students understanding of the topic and enhances their interest in learning. Secondly, tutors provide some extra notes and exam skills for the students which school teachers do not provide. Thirdly, tutors could help consolidate the content which school teacher teach in the class. Therefore, students have a deep understanding of school curricular. Finally, the extra teaching materials of the tutors provide extra-curricula knowledge to the students which they can not learn in class room. 3.) School teaching for examination To conceptualize the school teaching for examination, we will defend it is the materials that provide to students for preparation of examination. So, exercise, text book, skills for taking examination, quiz and mock examination which are provided by school will be considered school teaching to help students prepare for examination. It is because these materials can let students conform their knowledge and practice more in order to prepare them efficiency in taking examination. 4.) Definition of School Performance According to the definition of Indicator and Professional Developing Department (2007), the school performance can be divided into four main dimensions as following: attitudes and emotions (Personal) academic results (Academic) participations in groups (Social) performance in co-curricular activities (Social) At the meanwhile, the concrete meaning of poor school performance is the students who have: (i) difficulty concentrating on study (ii) decreased academic achievement levels (iii) decreased interest in school (iv) increased absences (v) not participate in class or co-curricular activities actively (vi) not willing to participate in groups But in our research, we do not measure academic results as an indicator of ones school performance. Its because the measurement of academic results need to take a long period time to collect the examination results from the students. Currently, students will get their results in Jane to July, and hence we do not have adequate time to finish our research before April. Measurement We choose the 4 level of measurement to form operation and assigns numerical values to the variables. Here are some examples in each variable: Students attending Tutoring NominalÆ’Â   classified into 2 or more categories E.g. Attending private tutoring 1) yes 2) no Gain from the tutoring IntervalÆ’Â   rank objects such that the magnitude of the difference between two objects can be determined E.g. Satisfactory towards the exam tips provided from tutorial Totally satisfied, 2. Satisfied, 3. Dissatisfied, 4. Totally dissatisfied) Besides of the 4 level of measurement, some scales are used to measure subjective feelings of respondents. Dependence on School Teaching for Examination We adopt the Semantic Differential Scale, which is constructed by Osgood in 1950s. It is interested in attitude toward an object but not in each respondents evaluation. E.g. Overall the lessons I am taking in school are Interesting __ __ __ __ __ Boring Useful __ __ __ __ __ Useless Easy __ __ __ __ __ Difficult Poor school performance We adopt the Likert scale, which is constructed by Rensis Likert in 1930s. Subjects are asked to indicate their degree of agreement or disagreement with a series of statements which are favorable or unfavorable to the construct. E.g. Student Attitudes towards Main Schooling Strongly strongly agree agree disagree disagree Q.1 Tutors is superior than teacher ____ ____ ____ ____ Q.2 absent at school servial times is OK since I can catch up the lesson by attending tutorials ____ ____ ____ ____ Research Design Purpose of Research The research is an explanatory and descriptive research. Explanatory: In the research, we will explain the conceptual framework we construct, as the conceptual framework constructed by our group, we will explain how we construct this conceptual framework. Descriptive: In the research, we will describe the statistical data we will get in the survey by questionnaire, in order to generate a finding of the survey. Nature of Study Deductive Approach: Our research will be conducted in deductive approach. After reviewing the literatures, we find two theories, which are Achievement goal theory and Culture of dependency, to prove that how students attending tutoring classes will affect their school performance. We will base on these two theories to conduct our research about the relationship between those two variables in Hong Kong, which are students attending tutoring classes and students school performance. Quantitative: In our research, we have quantitative research method to test the hypotheses in the research. Since we have concerned the difficulties of analysing qualitative data, we choose quantitative research method to conduct the research. We will use survey to obtain the information about how students school performance be affected after the students (respondents) have attended to tutoring classes. And for the survey, we will make use of questionnaire to conduct the quantitative research. Since we want to have statistical information to explain how students attending tutoring classes will affect their school performance. Sampling Sample size: The research will seek 150 respondents in the research from form 4 to form 7 secondary school students who have attended tutoring classes in Hong Kong. Non-probability Sampling: We will select non-probability sampling in the survey, as we do not have the name list of all form 4 to form 7 secondary school students in Hong Kong, we cannot select the probability sampling in the survey. Also, non-probability sampling is less costly and time-consuming, which are important advantages for us to select non-probability, as we do not have much time and budget to conduct the research. Purposeful Sampling: Our group considers that the school performances of the secondary school students from form 4 to form 7 are more influenced by the tutoring classes. Since they have to prepare for the public examination, such as HKCEE and HKALE, they may rely on the tutoring classes which focus on the techniques of examination, and this is just what the students need to prepare for the public examination. Convenience Sampling: The research targeted respondents are the form 4 to form 7 secondary school students who have attended tutoring classes. Therefore, our group will precede the survey in Park Lane Plaza in Tuen Mun, the reason for this is we consider that arcade has many tutoring schools inside, such as Beacon college, Kingsglory Education, Modern Education and Everlearning Eduaction. Therefore, we can capture the accurate samples that can match our targeted respondents, in order to enhance the validity of the research. Ethical Concern Our group has concerned the ethical concern may induce during the research, as we do not want to harm the respondents after participating in the research. And we have concluded the possible ethical concern in three kinds. Students may feel bad about participating in the survey. Students may worry if they have answered poor performance at school in the questionnaire will result in a negative effect to themselves and even their schools. Therefore, in the questionnaire, we will not ask students personal information, and also, we will ensure the information they provide must keep confidential. Students may worry about the survey that obstructing them from attending tutoring classes promptly. Also, students may think that the survey is time-wasting for them if they think the research will take for a long time. To deal with this problem, we will conduct the survey after those tutoring classes have finished, then, students may be free to participate in the research. Also, we will tell them the exactly time the survey will take, which is just about 8 10 minutes, and then the students may be pleased to participate in the survey, as the survey is not very long. The students may have doubt about the research and even us. As they may worry if their information answered will be misused. To deal with, we will inform the respondents who we are and show them our students identity card. Also, we will tell them what the purpose of the research is and how their information will be used in the research. More importantly, we will tell respondents that the information will keep confidential. Data Collection Methods Through this research, we want to find out the relationship between senior students in mainstream schools to attend tutoring class and poor school performance. To know the situation in Hong Kong, we will design a questionnaire and use quantitative interview. It is because data become more convenient to collect and more accurate that avoids subjective perception (Division of Sociology of Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998). We know that there are three main methods to conduct the research with questionnaire in quantitative interview. They are face to face mode, telephone mode and postal mode. Although face to face mode is slow and the cost is high, we still applied it because of the call back rate and high veracity. In the questionaire, we try to narrow down and choose suitable interviewees. Then, we will ask them how often do they attend to tutoring class. Also, we can find what they can gain from tutoring class, dependency on school teaching for examination and school performance after they have attended the tutoring class. We hope through the quantitative interview using questionaire in face to face mode to find out the information that proves our hypothesis between senior students in mainstream schools to attend tutoring class and poor school performance. Data Analysis After we have conducted the interview, we will use bivariate analysis to prove the relationship between different items. Bivariate analysis means the analysis of two variables in the mean time, for the purpose to determine the empirical relationship between them (Babbie, 2004). Firstly, we have to prove diffetrent items of relationship to form our conceptual framework. We have to prove that if students attending more in tutoring class with spending more, they will expect more from the tutoring classes. Then, if students can gain more in tutoring class, they will depend lower on school teaching meterials for examination. And then, if students depend lower on school teaching meterials, they will gain poor school performance. Secondly, after we can prove four independentrelationships, we can try to link up them with running SPSS to find out do they connect altogether. Lastly, if they can be connected, that means our conceptual framework is correct. But, if they cannot be connected, we will find out the reasons and factors that make the relationship unconnected. Budget Schedule

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Analyzing The Moral Panic Of Media Media Essay

Analyzing The Moral Panic Of Media Media Essay Thompson(1998) describes 5 key elements in a moral panic. It is something or someone who is defined as a threat to values and interests; the threat is depicted in an easily recognisable form by the media, with use of aspects such as Exaggeration, distortion, prediction and symbolisation. This then causes a rapid build up of public concern. Newspaper coverage and news broadcasts are commonly known to exaggerate issues in society which then encourage the public to react timorous to the concerns. Lastly, moral panics are continuously used to result in; a response from the authorities or opinion-makers. Thus, this included changes made evident from law enforcement, the councils and general charity organisations. The final element is that panic recedes or results in social changes. There are many issues that are often subject to moral panics such as Youth Crime/Gun Crime, Binge Drinking, child abuse, sex and violent behaviour, drug abuse, paedophilia, the law and asylum seekers and immigration policy. A moral panic can be defined in several ways, one definition is a kind of short-hand for public hysteria, by definition irrational, and is almost always held to be indicative of someone elses behaviour rather than our own (Critcher, 2003). The media directs its judgments and perspectives at members of society that are classed as unacceptable or deviant. In his book Moral Panics and the Media, Chas Critcher explains that Moral panics involve a  ¿Ã‚ ½heightened level of concern over the behaviour of a certain group or category and the consequences that the behaviour presumably cause for the rest of society(Critcher,2003,pg 23). A moral panic must be manifested in concrete ways in other words there must be a public commentary in the form of media; such as newspaper coverage and news broadcasts. In relation to Thompsons description the media then proposes legislation and social movement activity. The media is acting as a voice for the public; some may argue that it offers biased/distorted views of issues which therefore cause a moral panic. Conversely, it can also be argued that the media plays a crucial role in establishing a moral panic as a way of creating awareness to the public; thus without media involvement this is not possible. A key subject that is continuously making heavy appearances in tabloid newspapers and news broadcasts daily; is Gun/Knife crime which is commonly affiliated with youth culture/youth gangs. To understand how Thompsons, Critchers and other theorists concept of moral panic works, analysis of media coverage is critical. The media has developed and distorted representations of British youth for a long time, and certain coverage in British cinema, documentaries, press coverage and broadcasting have made it evident that the representation of  ¿Ã‚ ½youth ¿Ã‚ ½ is seen as a threat to many. However the coverage differentiates from different forms of media. The coverage of moral panics in broadcasting differs to press; television news broadcasts, are described as unbiased and therefore have a minor affect on moral panics as the impact might have not been on such a large scale. However in major moral panics they tend to have the same large amount of coverage on daily. British Youth are constantly being associated with factors such as drug abuse, low achievers, under age drinking, ASBO ¿Ã‚ ½s , violence; leading to such headlines as  ¿Ã‚ ½Britain a nation of yobs ¿Ã‚ ½. The term  ¿Ã‚ ½yob ¿Ã‚ ½ and  ¿Ã‚ ½thug ¿Ã‚ ½ is commonly used in numerous press cuttings specifically from tabloid newspapers such as ¿Ã‚ ½The Sun ¿Ã‚ ½ and the  ¿Ã‚ ½Daily mail ¿Ã‚ ½. It can be argued that the depiction of a sterotypicaly  ¿Ã‚ ½thug ¿Ã‚ ½ is being used as the  ¿Ã‚ ½Folk Devil ¿Ã‚ ½. Moreover the use of these metaphors are adding to the sensation of the moral panic  ¿Ã‚ ½Yobs must get tough sentences not a slap on the wrist ¿Ã‚ ½,  ¿Ã‚ ½Another stab victim dies, yet yobs with blades could escape with fine ¿Ã‚ ½,  ¿Ã‚ ½Thug stabs student to death ¿Ã‚ ½ and  ¿Ã‚ ½Blade Britian ¿Ã‚ ½. The headlines are poignant and direct, ¿Ã‚ ½1 day. 5 dead ¿Ã‚ ½, this encourages the readers to be aware but also an element of paranoia can be injected provoking public distress, causing a stir in society. There is use of emotive language such as  ¿Ã‚ ½His mother has run out of tears ¿Ã‚ ½ and use of alliterations in  ¿Ã‚ ½Kids killing kids, families in fear, its time to say, No More ¿Ã‚ ½, these are examples of rhetoric which newspapers use to persuade its readers in supporting their views. An example the initial making of a moral panic is a headline used in the Daily Mail;  ¿Ã‚ ½Random attack by thugs every 30 seconds ¿Ã‚ ½. This can be described as heavily exaggerated which provokes public reaction and emotion. On the other hand, youth crime is rapidly increasing, in society.  ¿Ã‚ ½The amplification which takes place through the medias work serves to appeal to the public so that they concur with ready-made opinions about the course of action to be taken. Combined with the opinions of the experts who are wheeled out to give their diagnosis, they reach an agreement about how to cope with the situation in hand, and the problem either disappears or at least deteriorates. ¿Ã‚ ½(Burns:2000). In reference to Youth crime; various  ¿Ã‚ ½anti-gun/knife crime ¿Ã‚ ½ campaigns have been made and according to an article in 2008 from the  ¿Ã‚ ½Sunday Mirror ¿Ã‚ ½ the home secretary Jacqui smith states that  ¿Ã‚ ½thugs carrying knives will face four years in jail ¿Ã‚ ½. It can also be argued that moral panics can result in social change. In Conclusion, Sometimes  ¿Ã‚ ½panics ¿Ã‚ ½ have existed in society for a considerable time but a particular event has triggered the significance; although generally they pass as quickly as they came and are long forgotten. The media ¿Ã‚ ½s involvement plays a crucial role in the establishment of moral panics, as it raises awareness of serious ongoing issues. However it can be argued that it promotes a bias nature which can ultimately prevent the public from the truth.  ¿Ã‚ ½Yobs must get tough sentences not a slap on the wrist ¿Ã‚ ½.(The Sun;2008). The media ¿Ã‚ ½s powerful role can be criticised for using moral panics to enforce the ideas and rules about the government. Moral panics will continue to dominate society and the media; provoking public concern and sometimes legislation but there will always be questions doubting whether it does reinforces public opinion and if it is a voice for the people or a propaganda tool for the rich and powerful.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Free Essays: Impact of the Word on Dickinson :: Biography Biographies Essays

Impact of the Word on Dickinson In Donald E. Thackrey’s essay "The Communication of the Word," he talks about how "the power of the individual word, in particular, seems to have inspired her with nothing less than reverence" (51). Dickinson approached her poetry inductively, that is, she combined words to arrive at whatever conclusion the patterns of the words suggested, rather than starting out with a specific theme or message. Instead of purposefully working toward a final philosophical point, Dickinson preferred to use series of "staccato" inspirations (51). Dickinson frequently used words with weight in her work, and as a result her works usually cannot be grasped fully in one reading without dissecting each word individually. Often Dickinson would compile large, alternative word lists for a poetry before she would come to a decision on which word was "just right" for the impact she wished to achieve (52). For example, this poem displays Dickinson’s use of alternative, thesaurus-like lists: Had but the tale a thrilling, typic, hearty, bonnie, breathless, spacious, tropic, warbling, ardent, friendly, magic, pungent, winning, mellow teller All the boys would come— Orpheus’s sermon captivated, It did not condemn.    Eventually, Dickinson came to rest on the word "warbling," but one can see the meticulous care that she put into the decision on which word to use. Another poem of Dickinson’s that shows her compositional method is "Shall I Take Thee?" the Poet Said." In this poem, Dickinson discusses from where the power of the world comes. "Shall I take thee?" the poet said To the propounded word. "Be stationed with the candidates Till I have further tried."    The poet probed philology And when about to ring For the suspended candidate, There came unsummoned in    That portion of the vision The word applied to fill. Not unto nomination The cherubim reveal. In the preceding poem, one can see the artistic style come through her composition. The best representation of that particular idea comes from the author Donald Thackrey when he says: It is significant that the revealed word comes "unsummoned" in a flash of intuition†¦.and yet the implication of the poem is that the revealing of the word must be preceded by the preparatory, conscious, rational effort of probing philology†¦She [Dickinson] herself was well aware that inspiration, while all-sufficient when present, seldom came even to a great poet.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Stars :: essays research papers

STARS The magnitude scale was invented by an ancient Greek astronomer named Hipparchus in about 150 BC He ranked the stars he could see in terms of their brightness, with 1 representing the brightest down to 6 representing the faintest. Modern astronomy has extended this system to stars brighter than Hipparchus' 1st magnitude stars and ones much, much fainter than 6. As it turns out, the eye senses brightness logarithmically, so each increase in 5 magnitudes corresponds to a decrease in brightness by a factor 100. The absolute magnitude is the magnitude the stars would have if viewed from a distance of 10 parsecs or some 32.6 light years. Obviously, Deneb is intrinsically very bright to make this list from its greater distance. Rigel, of nearly the same absolute magnitude, but closer, stands even higher in the list. Note that most of these distances are really nearby, on a cosmic scale, and that they are generally uncertain by at least 20%. All stars are variable to some extent; those which are visibly variable are marked with a "v". What are apparent and absolute magnitudes? Apparent is how bright the appear to us in the sky. The scale is somewhat arbitrary, as explained above, but a magnitude difference of 5 has been set to exactly a factor of 100 in intensity. Absolute magnitudes are how bright a star would appear from some standard distance, arbitrarily set as 10 parsecs or about 32.6 light years. Stars can be as bright as absolute magnitude -8 and as faint as absolute magnitude +16 or fainter. There are thus (a very few) stars more than 100 times brighter than Sirius, while hardly any are known fainter than Wolf 356. Star, large celestial body composed of gravitationally contained hot gases emitting electromagnetic radiation, especially light, as a result of nuclear reactions inside the star. The sun is a star. With the sole exception of the sun, the stars appear to be fixed, maintaining the same pattern in the skies year after year. In fact the stars are in rapid motion, but their distances are so great that their relative changes in position become apparent only over the centuries. The number of stars visible to the naked eye from earth has been estimated to total 8000, of which 4000 are visible from the northern hemisphere and 4000 from the southern hemisphere. At any one time in either hemisphere, only about 2000 stars are visible.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Disater Management Essay

Disaster Resistant Construction Practices Introduction Disaster Resistant construction practices are as important as disaster resistant structrual designs. Infact the methodology for construction also should be designed for disaster resistance. We should have proper implemenation of the structural details so as to let the structure behave as envisiged. The quality and methodology of construction is equally important. For example we use cover blocks. If the cover blocks are not cast properly in good quality concrete then they facilitate concrete deterioration. Ultimately this affects durability and serviceablity of the structure. The Durability and serviceablity are the key elements of any structure. Ensuring Quality in construction will enable achieving durability and serviceablity as a desired end result. Openings too close to corners Too high and long walls Use of Cut Lintels Usually a building comprises of: 1. Walls 2. Openings 3. Foundation 4. Plinth 5. Beams/Columns 6. Roof / Slabs Deficient Bond at corners Parts of a Building Differential settlement due to soft soil.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Required Skill-Set and Knowledge of a Successful Policy Analyst in the Ecowas Region Essay

The Policy Process consists of many different and connected parts and is not easily explained theoretically because it involves diverse category of actors; is influenced by experimentation, learning from mistakes, etc; is shaped by discourse and narratives; and is highly political. The policy process focuses on the way that leads to decision making and it has different stages which include, Agenda Setting, Decision Making, Implementation and Monitoring & Evaluation. In short, we can now say that the policy process is the way policy reforms are planned, designed, implemented and evaluated. Explaining the complex policy process requires a policy analyst who is knowledgeable and trained in the field and is able to solve complex policy issues; balance constituents’ need with the political and economic realities of governance; and gather and analyze information to assist in the planning, development, interpretation, and review of government or industrial politics. Gupta, D. K. 2010). A Policy Analyst, also called a researcher or a scholar, is a person who works to raise public awareness of social issues, such as crime prevention, access to health care, and protection of the environment. An analyst in government creates policy and evaluates program effectively and provides decision makers with data and hypotheses about the effects of different policies. Blanchard S. (1997). The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is a regional group of fifteen countries, founded in 1975. Its mission is to promote economic integration in all fields of economic activity, particularly industry, transport, telecommunications, energy, agriculture, natural resources, commerce, monetary and financial questions, social and cultural matters. The ECOWAS Commission and the ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development, more often called The Fund are its two main institutions designed to implement policies, pursue a number of program and carry out development projects in Member States. Such projects include intra-community road construction; telecommunications; and agricultural, energy and water resources development. With this background, we now take look at the key roles of the analyst in the policy process and the skills-set and knowledge an analyst should have to be successful in the ECOWAS Region. To attain the desired aim or result as an analyst can be very challenging when thinking about the potential applications and repercussions of a policy. To succeed in the policy analysis career, one must be on top of logical reasoning and have an intimate knowledge of the legal and political systems in the nation or institution of work, along with an understanding of social attitudes that can influence policy. To identify and prioritize policy issues; clarify government policy objectives; identify potential conflicts in terms of objectives and interests; identify current policies and their consequences; identify alternative viable policy instruments, their probable direct and indirect consequences and the risk that these may not materialize; develop criteria and indicators to assess progress towards objectives; design viable policy packages, with associated strategies to obtain political support and to ensure organizational effectiveness; advocate viable policy packages in a clear, brief and persuasive way; review government policies and design viable policy packages; and help policy makers take appropriate decisions on sensitive issues. These are the things a policy analyst does. Blanchard S. (2007). Principally, policy analyst in decision making process should be cognizance of administrative rules, procedures and routines which characterizes the public in action. You should posses a superior application of rationality both in decision (policy) and implementing decisions (administration), have a claim and more rigorous methods of investigation, and effective regard for efficient means of operation. Decision making in the policy process as an analyst in the ECOWAS Region is indeed cardinal to sustain socio-political and economic stability. An analyst should understand and draw distinctions between management and policy making, define stages of government activities (decision making), implement those decisions and evaluate the outcome. This analyst must frequently and simplistically offer a solution to what is said to be the â€Å"central problem of bureaucratic inadequacy†, Should be knowledgeable in program budgeting to relate expenditure budgeting to define goals and outputs, again with the intention of controlling the cost of achieving set objectives. Another essential tool a policy analyst should posses in decision making in the ECOWAS Region is necessary and sufficient information in public policy making; information is frequently inadequate and simply not available, yet there is constrained supplied by time and events. Chooses between competing objectives can be rationally determined on the basis of accurate formulation of knowledge. A major problem for rational method is the reliance upon knowledge which is quantifiable. According to Lord William Beveridge (1942) â€Å"reason and special knowledge have the chance only if there is a channel of access to those who have power†. Implementation in the policy process is a crucial business of translating decisions into events: of getting done. The policy analyst can at least agree that getting things done, or implementation, is a crucial aspect of the real world of public policy making, and one which has been neglected in theoretical literature. Implementation relates to specified objectives, the translation into practice of the policy emerge from the complex process of decision making. As a policy analyst, management of state policies might be of universal interest, which makes more essential a proper scrutiny of the claims of managerialism. Policy scientist is likely, skeptical of how much effect management can have on the success of public policies. As a policy analyst, Christopher Hood once said, â€Å"real administration give an account of real organizational life† and thus summarize his model as follows: 1. An administrative system should be unitary, with a single line of authority; 2. Objective must be given, uniform, explicit, and known throughout the system; 3. Clear and authoritative objective must still be implemented, to achieve this, the system must ensure either perfect obedience or perfect control: there must be perfect information and communication, with all task unambiguously specified and precisely coordinated; all these conditions require an adequate time scare for fulfillment. In public organizations, no meaningful distinction between policy and administration is possible, and policies roposed and authorized by former political institutions and participants are in a wide variety of ways influence, mediated, and even altered by formal administrative institutions and participants at both higher and lower levels. (Hood calls this, in the implementation stage, knocking off the corners to get policy through the front door). The problem of policy making might be clearly define of what is involve in good management which was further demonstrated by the reference to the question of information. Hood’s model says that information must be accurate and must be communicated. Clearly, it is essential for governments to estimate results, to measure these results, and learn from them. Evaluation is feedback, and technically such feedback operates as a self adjusting mechanism, alternatively, evaluation might generate more data on which the policy analyst base on to improve population of best future policies. Major problem arise with the nature of political leadership and organizational behavior. Political leaders will not be anxious to have too critical an examination of their failure; this will be particularly so if, as with many economic plans in states, political leaders have never intended implementation but sought only the easier fruits of political rhetoric. We need to understand as analyst operating in a complex environment that evaluation is not merely a technical matter, nor even a question of good practice, it is, or maybe a highly political issue. We are always, therefore, likely to find that an absence of evaluation contributes further to the uncertainties an unsystematic nature of politics, and in its analysis, the uncertainty principle might be given great regard. One significant effect is to widen the gap which exists between theory and practice. This gap is created in a variety of ways. The most obvious problem is the absence of real political or administrative experience in those who teach and theorize about public policy. This the analyst partly explains to remoteness of theory from the real world policy. Some policy analyst would quite deliberately avoid any involvement in the real world of policy on the ground that this might impose upon their unwanted intellectual constrictions, as well as quite practical constrains. As an analyst, it not difficult to understand this tension between academic and practitioners, each threatens to interfere with the activities of other. The theorist wishes to distance itself intellectually from the real policy world to avoid the ideological contamination which inevitably comes from actual participation in an area of policy. The practitioner tends to avoid over exposure to a wide range of ideas. Finally, policy analysis is synonymous with creativity, and with defining problems rather than offering handy solutions, policy analysis the more creative calculations concern finding problems for which solutions might be attempted. To be a successful policy analyst in the ECOWAS Region, you must be able to manage time, be able to think clearly and practically, be able to combine/structure ideas to form theories for research, must be dependable when it comes to creating frameworks for quantitative and qualitative data analysis, and must have good verbal and writing skills. In short, you must be able to work hard, plan, communicate, do critical readings and suggestions, be logical and have research skills. Have a perception and sense of the region, you must know the political geography and national boundaries, have geographic perspectives on democracy and elections, must be knowledgeable on geography and migration analysis, population policies and issues, and must be able to analyze the sustainable urban development and transportation of West Africa to bring sustained economic growth and democracy to the region.